Monday, June 10, 2013


Marco Razzolini, macchina delle noccioline, peanut roasting machine, via Grande, Livorno
Here is Marco Razzolini with his “macchina delle noccioline” (literally peanuts machine). I saw him at an otherwise dull Sunday market in Via Grande and his stall was absolutely eye catching. The contraption behind him is an old but perfectly functional wood-fired peanut roasting machine, mounted on the back of a truck. Marco inherited the device from his grandfather Alfeo, a real pioneer of peanut roasting in Italy.
Marco Razzolini, macchina delle noccioline, peanut roasting machine, via Grande, Livorno
Peanuts were already known here then, but their consumption was marginal and increased greatly only after World War II, with the presence of the Allied troops. In 1951 Alfeo bought the 1200-kg machine from an artisan shop in Padua and carried it around at fairs and festivals for several years. With the advent of more modern machinery the cumbersome device fell gradually in disuse, until his grandson dusted it off from a shed a few years ago, reviving the “Antica Torrefazione della Nocciolina Tostata a Legna” (Wood-fired roasted peanuts Company).


  1. Nice with a portrait. Interesting looking machine.

  2. Great images.
    I have never seen so many peanuts in my life :)

  3. Fantastic images, VP. This is so much more interesting than a modern machine would be.

  4. Love them freshly roasted. I am sure he is a popular man!

  5. Terrific looking peanut machine. Bet it smells wonderful with the roasting peanut and wood smoke. Wish I had a bag full right now. Fine photos.

  6. Very interesting article and machine, I love peanuts!Léia

  7. I imagine the smell is a wide spreading advert.

  8. This is amazing! I've never seen anything of the kind.

  9. I roast my peanuts at home in a frying pan. For a party I could consider renting such a machine!

  10. What an exciting find! A great story of people, peanuts, and a machine.

  11. I bet he does a good business from this!
