Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Einstein on Porta Potties

On the side of this portable toilet we can read a well known quote of Albert Einstein: “Ogni cosa che puoi immaginare, la natura l'ha già creata” (Everything you can imagine, nature has already created).
On a different toilet another alleged quote says: “Quando le api scompariranno, all'uomo resteranno circa quattro anni di vita” (When the bees will disappear, man would only have four years left to live). The great physicist probably never said that, but this strange association of Einstein with portable toilets remains.

External link: Einstein on Bees (Snopes)
See also: Toilet of Pisa - Mona Lisa


  1. It seems that Italians put much more thought and effort into making their porta potties attractive than any American ever thought about! We just want to hold our breath and get in and out as fast as we can.

  2. Interesting graphic designs and thought provoking quotes, even if they aren't accurate. Makes great visuals.

  3. I agree with Jack. I like the one with the bee and it's message.

  4. Whether Einstein or not, they look much nicer than ours. You would still not get me into one though...

  5. I have never been inside one of these, but I am pretty sure things do not obey the laws of physics in there...

  6. These are cute! I've never been inside one, too claustrophobic for me. :-)

  7. The sight of a bee, even if just painted, on one of those would scare me away.
    I wonder what Einstein would say about this venue for his sayings.
    These porta potties are my only bad memory of doing archaeology field work during Israel summer.

  8. Certainly the most beautiful and wisest porta potties ever!

    And the bees are disappearing at a frightening rate.

  9. Such an enjoyable post VP, your words and images made me smile and the comments are so funny :)

  10. Bagni chimici originali! Mai visti...non a Lucca! Ciao, Arianna

  11. I used one over the weekend. No quotes from Einstein or even any photos of bees, but it did work.

  12. I have always liked the ITALIAN design, fashion, cars,some furniture etc. I will add this on the list! :)

  13. This is so creative and beautiful!Really cool!
