Friday, May 31, 2013

San Zeno

Church of San Zeno, Pisa
The church of San Zeno was a former abbey built around 11th century as part of a Camaldolese monastery. It has been deconsecrated a while back and the building is now a museum, also used for exhibitions.
This is the last post from our self-imposed cyber-exile, but we have not yet finished with Pisa: in the future we will probably visit our cousins more often and on regular basis...

External links: San Zeno - Camaldolese (Wikipedia)

(Why are we posting about Pisa? Click here for an answer)


  1. Such history lessons when I visit here. I like it.

  2. It has been a good sojourn to your sister city.

  3. I was going to say it doesn't look much like a church. Nice stone building!

    Duncan In Kuantan

  4. I like a lot those arches, the architecture is wonderful!

  5. I'm glad that the noise has disappeared and yet I'm also looking forward to more of the enemy. :-)

    This is fantastic, a gem of a former church.

  6. Deconsecrated churches always look a little bit forlorn. Or maybe it's just my imagination.
    Yes, more Pisa would be nice, but I hope your forgive Livorno.

  7. Fabulous! Great place for exhibitions.
