Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Leaning Tower

Leaning Tower, piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa
The 55-meter tall Tower of Pisa (Torre di Pisa) is the freestanding campanile (bell tower) of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta. The marble-covered tower leans at about 4 degrees and took almost two centuries to be built (1173-1372). Inside the belfry there are seven bells, one for each note of the musical scale.

See also: Santa Maria Assunta
External links: Piazza dei Miracoli - Leaning Tower of Pisa (Wikipedia)

(Why are we posting about Pisa? Click here for an answer)


  1. I just wanted to confess that I helped contribute to that when I climbed to the top back in the days when you could still do that. I know that they've managed to stabilize the building, but have they allowed people to resume climbing to the top?

  2. Revrunner - Yes, it is possible to climb to the top again now: in the photo you can see people up there.

  3. This is probably what a lot of people remember of their whirlwind trip to Tuscany...

  4. Famous as it is, still, I didn't know all these facts about the tower.

  5. I remember sitting on the gass below the tower taking a bunch of photos of the tower and of my friends who were busy climbing it.

  6. Oooh, si vede Pisa!! Ciao, Arianna

  7. Always an amazing sight!
    Did you really change your location, VP? Or are you on vacation?

  8. Karl - I have an unresolved issue with my home town, so I am acting Pisan for a while...

  9. i 'd like to see it with my own eyes!

  10. I would like to see it too:)

  11. LOL at your answer to Karl's question!
