Sunday, May 19, 2013


People queueing for water, piazza della Repubblica, Livorno
We are now well into the XXI century, but as a Livornese you may still end up without running water for several days. It happened last March and small army of technicians wasn't able to fix a broken main for the best part of a week.
Ten-kilometer speed sign, viale Marconi, Livorno
If you are an academic researching potholes, our town would be the perfect destination for your sabbatical year, but the task is going to be huge nonetheless. For your dissertation keep an eye on Viale Marconi: it is our crown jewel, with more holes than asphalt and a funny speed limit of 10 kilometers (6 miles) per hour.
Electric generator, via Gherardi Del Testa, Livorno
Everywhere generators are used in emergencies or to supply power to faraway places, but in Livorno a huge diesel model can materialize itself at your doorstep, in a central street, where it is kept running for days and nights, with a complete disregard for the quiet and the sleep of the people living nearby, left to cope with an ugly synergy of noise and exhaust pollution.

As a form of protest, our blog will stop posting until this monster is turned down. But who will care?

After twelve days and twelve nights they finally shut down that damned generator. Livorno Daily Photo in Pisa will go on for twelve days as well, so we have another Pisan week before returning on home turf.

See also: Without Water - Dried Up - Third Day without Water - Habemus aquam! - Viale Marconi


  1. Oi, that is awful! How can people live with a huge generator under their window?!
    Can you organize a protest demonstration of the neighbors at City Hall? Can we help some way?

  2. Sorry to hear about all this disruption, no water and a huge Diesel engine at your door is something to drive anyone crazy! Hope life comes back to normal soon.
    God bless you!

  3. I fully understand the frustration!

  4. That diesel monster sound awful. 10 km/h sounds a bit slow. I for one will care if you stop posting, not sure about the people in charge in Livorno.

  5. Well I will care too. I hope it disappears tomorrow. Well, probably not on Pentecost Monday but on Tuesday.

    I could write a book about things like this...

  6. Oh no, please don't stop blogging - I am way too worried you won't come back!

    I don't remember ever seeing a speed limit of 10 km/h. A car is not a bike that you can dismount and push.

    I hope water is restored shortly and the generator runs out of power and disappears!

  7. Sorry about the utility problems. Thought that tank truck might be giving out beer from the line.

  8. Merisi - The problem with water was solved (slowly) months ago, it's here with the 10km limit just to give a perspective of our "efficiency" in solving problems...

  9. This is a tough problem. For an old city with limited financial resources, keeping up with the physical needs of the city must be a struggle. I hope the problems in your neighborhood get fixed soon and that you return to blogging very soon.

  10. That's horrible. I hope you get to go home soon.

  11. Ohgawd, I wouldn't be able to stand it either!

    But I must say, the two photos from Pisa that you've posted so far are a real treat. The Santa Maria Assunta and the fountain are both lovely.

  12. I remembre last time. Hope the problem in fixed now.

  13. Sorry for the generator troubles.
    If you want some potholes, just come to Toronto. The streets here are terrible! :S
