Friday, May 3, 2013


September 1965, dad, babbo, Gimes Spagnoli
Today would have been my dad's 85th birthday. Obviously he wasn't a cowboy, here he was just posing somewhere near Abetone, on the Tuscan Apennines. It was the mid 60's, my brother and I were just kids, and our family spent long summer vacations up there, in a tiny village called Gavinana.
My father used to work for what was then our State Railway, until he retired in the early 90's. Beyond being a great dad, he was an avid reader, an amateur mathematician, a lover of opera and classical music. He died of a heart attack at the end of September 2001.


  1. He looks like he was very happy when this photo was taken. I guess you got your love of opera from your father.

  2. It's nice to meet your father and learn some family history. This is a wonderful photo memory! Great picture of a happy man. By the way, I have given up Astoria Daily for other projects. I'm sorry that Cindy doen't seem to return comments. Most of the time I can be found on Tapirgal's Daily Image, although I haven't posted for about a month. I plan to keep it up.

  3. This is a wonderful photograph of your father. I hope seeing it gives you the best memories.

  4. Your post today is wonderful. Your love and admiration come through.

  5. This is very touching, this personal post. You are lucky to have had such a wonderful father. And today he would be proud of his blogging (inter alia) son.

  6. Dear VP, what a beautiful homage to your dad, what a nice portrait!
    This is so sweet!
    hugs and lights to your heart,

  7. Heartfelt post. Makes me remember my father too.

  8. what a beautiful way to remember your dad.

  9. this is a beautiful portrait !

  10. A great portrait and a wonderful tribute, VP.

  11. What a nice posting!
    Keep all the good memories.

  12. A wonderful tribute VP your Dad would have loved it, what a very handsome man he was. How nice to have so many happy memories, thank goodness for them oui!

  13. Bella questa foto! Un bell'omaggio. Ciao, Arianna

  14. Lovely photograph and heartfelt memories.
