Monday, April 29, 2013


This year I didn't see much of the TAN (Naval Academy Trophy) because of our holiday in Rome, but considering these last days, it seems that I didn't miss much. The village and the sail boats have moved out of the Porto Mediceo to a faraway and unwelcoming pier: the tents hosting the shops are a sauna and you can hardly see the boats, moored along a straight stretch of barren quay, often blocked by a huge crane.
Sail ship Pandora, port of Livorno
This boat was built in 1994 as “Anna” in Karelia, Russia, as a faithful replica of a 18th-century postal vessel sailing the Baltic. A few years ago she was found abandoned and almost sunken near the port of Genoa.
Sail ship Pandora, port of Livorno
She was salvaged and completely restored by her actual owner: renamed as “Pandora” the barquentine managed to win two Tall Ship Races in 2007 and 2010. She is now a training ship of sorts for students.

Search labels: TAN - Tuttovela
External links: Barquentine (Wikipedia)


  1. This ship has a lot of character that one might not find in a newer ship. Lovely.

  2. I agree with Jack, it's beautiful.

  3. Thank goodness we still restore, she's a beauty!

  4. An adorable ship, I love the first composition!

  5. A happy end to the story of a beautiful ship.

  6. What a super second shot VP..the two tall masts in a face off with the little ship as the referee :)

  7. I wonder who would abandon such a boat?!
