Friday, April 19, 2013

Fuck the Police

The linguistic proficiency of the typical Livornese is almost non-existent: one of the most funny scenes you may enjoy in town is a “conversation” between a local and a group of tourists.
Fuck the Police graffiti, via Maggi, Livorno
But when it comes to insult police officers, even the most ignorant tagger becomes a polyglot: as you can see from the links below, these guys can suddenly write in English, French and even modern Greek.

See also: 1312 - Kiss the Police - All Cops Are Bastards


  1. Not nice, but a clear message.

  2. Art and opinion comes in all languages.

  3. Are workers sent quickly to remove such messages?

  4. I wouldn't be a policeman for a million dollars VP..sure there are some bad ones, but I think the majority are trying to do their job under tough conditions.

  5. You wouldn't see this sign in Boston today!

  6. Right now, after the turmoil at the Boston Marathon and the exciting chase to find and capture the bombers, this sentiment would be shared by very few in Boston.

  7. I see ugly street art like this in Haninge every now and then.
