Monday, February 25, 2013

Sea Monster

Sea monster fountain by Pietro Tacca, piazza Colonnella, Livorno
In the post Four Horses we were able to ascertain the prowess of the sculptor Pietro Tacca with horses, and we have not yet seen the last of it. He was also quite good at doing monsters of the sea variety, like this one on a fountain in our in Piazza Colonnella, at the west end of Via Grande.
Sea monster fountain by Pietro Tacca, piazza della Santissima Annunziata, Florence
Originally, the fountains (1629) should have been placed on the sides of the Four Moors, but the Grand Duke Ferdinando II liked them so much that kept them in Florence and had them erected by his ancestor's equestrian statue in Piazza della Santissima Annunziata (photo). We only got copies, after three centuries...

See also: Sea Monsters - Four Horses
External links: Pietro Tacca (Wikipedia)


  1. Not something I would want to see everyday.

  2. Those sea monsters are really scary. No wonder the early mariners had fears.

  3. Wonderful fountain and your pictures are great!
    I also love those bikes in the background( second shot)

  4. I'm strange. I really like your sea monsters.

  5. Great art, but not very cuddly creatures. ;)

  6. The first photo reminds me of a SF movie (I can't recall the name), where the extraterestrial hero looked the same:)

  7. Uh-oh... looks a bit like they've overindulged and are paying the price!

  8. Wow the first image is fabulous VP, M. Tacca was very talented.
