Monday, January 14, 2013

In Pisa

At least once a year we go to Pisa, taking all the needed precautions, to watch the Pisan creatures in their natural habitat and study their rare and curious accomplishments. Last year we missed this visit, getting only as far as the Livorno airport, that our city successfully managed to place, a while ago, on Pisan land.
Pisan pedicab with its driver, Pisa
Pedicab tours are an absolute novelty in Pisa and their adventurous drivers still don WWI pilot attires.
Sandwich prop with glass and flask of wine, Pisa
A wondrous example of Pisan sculpture: the subtle message and the elegant forms overwhelm your senses.
Osteria I Santi, The Saints Inn, Ape car ad, via Santa Maria, Pisa
As you can see, our beloved cousins are very precise with distances (103 meters!), but can't even get right their own web addresses on advertising. In fact, the right one for this restaurant is
If you, as we, are thrilled by the Pisan way of doing things, please check the links below.

See also: Livorno Airport - Pisan Walk (2010) - Pisan Walk 1 of 2 - Pisan Walk 2 of 2 (2011)


  1. Last time I was there it rained. Wondering why there's such 'love' towards the city.
    Please have a good new week ahead.

  2. You are so funny about Livorno's rival, Pisa.

    And, yes, the security guard's German cousin works as a cleaning lady in Stuttgart. And, his wife is a bathing suit model:

  3. That statue with the wine did give me a good chuckle.

  4. You just made me want to visit! ;)

  5. Love that ECO BIKE, I would like to do a tour!

  6. Just hard to believe.

    I wonder if they even know about the not quite right website spelling.

  7. I love your Pisan adventures! You have such a great sense of humour. :)

    Did you get a look at the Businessman sculpture of Pisa? That is one thing I would really like to see. :)

  8. They should have the right web address on the car.
    Anyway, the car is cute!:)

    (I have seen them in Italy and Greece, but not in Norway.))

  9. I'm glad I didn't miss your Pisa post. Just love your pokes at them.

    I wouldn't mind having that goofy sandwich with his wine.

  10. Hai sconfinato!! Ottima idea ;) ciao, Arianna

  11. You made me smile with this rival thing, VP.
