Saturday, December 1, 2012

Theme Day: My Street

Fire, via Gherardi Del Testa, Livorno
Last September a fire erupted in an inner court threatening my apartment building and the whole block.
Fire, via Gherardi Del Testa, Livorno
The smoke column was visible from all over town. My street was clogged with fire trucks and ambulances ...
Fire, via Gherardi Del Testa, Livorno
... as it was the adjacent “Via Buontalenti”. Luckily no one suffered serious harm, but the building was evacuated for a while and several lower storey apartments reported some damages.
Fire, via Gherardi Del Testa, Livorno
At last, even the mayor showed up to check on the situation. (Pictures taken on September 24th)

See also: Fire


  1. Glad the fire department showed up as fast as it did.

  2. That must have been a scary time. Good of you to go out with the camera that day.

  3. An unfortunate moment in time. Hopefully no one was injured.

  4. Fires are really frightening to me, in part because I have no experience with them. I am glad that your apartment and your street survived with a lot of excitement but not all that much damage.

  5. Fires are always scary. Great shots VP.

  6. A pretty exciting day, but I'm glad that it's not a regular occurrence.

  7. It must have been scary, fires are so frightening and glad no one got hurt. You got great on-the-street scenes.

  8. Oi what a photo opp! So glad you and your place escaped unscathed. A little too much action in the neighborhood.

  9. Glad it wasn't worse than that. Fire—small or big—is always scary.

    Can't imagine our mayor showing up for any kind of emergency like this.

  10. A memorable moment for you and all your neighbors on the street. Love your reportage.

  11. Interesting post for theme day.

  12. Dropping in quickly to say, of course you can use the photo for the benches blog! Thank you very much for dropping by and the kind comment.

  13. The things you have to do to get the mayor to come round - my street is here.

  14. glad to hear nobody was hurt...great choice for the much going on!

  15. Per fortuna non è successo nulla di grave, ma immagino lo spavento! Spero che i danni non siano troppo grossi per le famiglie che abitano lì...ciao, Arianna

  16. I'm glad you didn't lose your apartment. Let's hope this is an unusual view of your street.

  17. Interesting shots. Glad the fire wasn't too serious. I've got an emergency situation on my blog today too, but the fire brigade didn't show up quite so fast. :)

  18. What adventure.

    Please have a kind and nice new month ahead.

  19. I'm glad nothing really bad happened!

  20. Nice photos of a scary day. Thanks for sharing this day with us.

  21. Whew, I'm glad you were all safe. You brought us live and up to the minute coverage of "your street!" Bravo.

  22. Now, that must have been really scary! Glad they were able to control the fire.
