Wednesday, December 19, 2012

RIBs and Rubber Dinghies

Italian Navy RIB, port of LivornoLast May I captured these unusual images of a Navy RIB leading a flotilla rubber dinghies out of the port.
Italian Navy RIB and rubber dinghies, port of LivornoI wonder if this was some kind of drill or a test for the guys in the dinghies...


  1. Peaceful waters ahead.

    Over here various refugees drowned lately. Europe's edges getting ready ?

    Please have a good Wednesday.

  2. *sigh* I do love a man in uniform.

  3. Looks like a mother duck and ducklings following behind. I'll bet it is an exercise, but they also look like they are having fun. It was a calm day, perfect for being out on the water. Fine photos.

  4. Living in a port city, you get to see the most interesting things!

  5. It absolutely looks like an exercise. We know there was no foreign attack on Livorno in May...

  6. Wow, you were there at the right time! What a scene! Those guys have all the fun.
    Interesting, the "mast" on the big leader craft.
    I hope they were not heading for Lampedusa.

  7. I like the second photo. It is like a war movie:)

  8. Love the second one. The first thing I thought of was D-Day landings.

  9. Definitely must be maneuvers VP, wonder what the fishermen on the small boats thought when they looked up and saw half the navy heading towards them haha!

  10. Probably a drill. But they do look very serious.
