Monday, December 24, 2012

New Playground

New playground, piazza della Vittoria, piazza Magenta, Livorno
A few weeks ago a new playground appeared on the worn grass of “Piazza della Vittoria”.
New playground, piazza della Vittoria, piazza Magenta, Livorno
It looks less space age and more practical than the futuristic playground of “Villa Fabbricotti”.
New playground, piazza della Vittoria, piazza Magenta, Livorno
I have yet to see some kids around it, but I probably pass by at the wrong hours of the day.
(Pictures taken last November)
See also: Dangerous Playground


  1. I see many empty playgrounds in my area that looks just like this one.

  2. Or you could become a kid again!

    Happy Christmas Eve!

  3. How cute the ducks in the first photo are!

    Happy Christmas Eve, VP!

  4. That adriana above is me, Traveling Hawk!

  5. I hope you tried the bouncy thing while the kids were away.

  6. It is the same here. Most kids are at the kindergartens from 7.30 to 16.30. It is dark this time of year when it is afternoon/evening.

    I hope this place will be used. Just wait for the spring and summer.

    I like the style and the "2 x yellow" looks cute!
