Monday, December 3, 2012

More Tactile Routes

Tactile routes, via Cairoli, Livorno
The Central Post Office chicane is my favorite part of our newly installed tactile paths. By the way, on the left billboard you can read this reassuring piece of news: “Forgotten in a operating room, he was under anesthesia”.
Tactile routes, via Cairoli, Livorno
The absolute masterpiece of these routes is a short section lying in “Piazza Cavour”, leading straight against the wall of a bank. The graffiti shows the usual appreciation and respect of some of our more outspoken citizens for police officers.

See also: Tactile Paths - 1312 - Kiss the Police


  1. What coincidence. Most over here are broken. Impressive finds indeed. Please have a good new week.

  2. There is so much one could say about today's post!

  3. Two compelling pieces in this post VP!

  4. VP, fine graphic on these tactile paths. Odd that one goes straight into a wall, not what I would expect. Also odd that the graffiti is in English.

  5. Oh my... The second one is surely to pace around, and around... :-)

  6. Oi veh. The blind leading the blind.

  7. I feel sorry for the blind person who follows the path and ends up in this nasty corner. Better than being left in an operating room under anesthesia though! :)

  8. Your last sentence made me smile! :-)
