Thursday, November 29, 2012

God Loves You

God loves you sign, Sant'Agostino church, piazza Aldo Moro, Livorno
A “Dio ama te” (God loves you) banner on the façade of the church of Sant'Agostino in piazza Aldo Moro. I can't really say about the message, but the two images on the sides represent the painting “Christ Crowned with Thorns” by Fra Angelico and the “Madonna of Montenero” altarpiece by Jacopo di Michele, called Gera, of the Pisan School. The first is in a chapel of our Cathedral, the second belongs to the Sanctuary of St Mary of Grace in Montenero.


  1. I thought they only needed to advertise like this in the U.S. Otherwise, interesting design. It almost looks Japanese or Arts and Crafts.

  2. I am just now listening to samples of the newly-released CD of music for Advent at

    Seeing the video of the young Benedictine nuns in Missouri who live and sing so well together, I'd have to admit that God must indeed love them.

  3. This church isn't especially beautiful, is it? So many of your churches are gorgeous . . . I suppose it is OK for one to be plain.

  4. Good to know!:)

    We used to have an old man standing close to the motorway with a big sign saying " Jesus is coming soon"......

  5. Jack - We have some even worse than this one...

  6. This looks sort of modern for a church. Definitely not what I would expect to see in Italy, home of the uber-fancy churches. :)

  7. If not for the explanation, I wouldn't say this is a church! The construction seems ugly to me, no offence!
