Sunday, September 9, 2012

Département de la Méditerranée

Coat of arms of the Département de la MéditerranéeAlmost everybody now accepts that Livorno and Pisa will be a single province, but there is no agreement on the provincial capital. Pisans say that their city has more history and is well known in the world. The law clearly says that in this case the most populated center, Livorno, will be the capital.Map of Italy at the time of the First French EmpireDuring the First French Empire, when Tuscany was annexed by France, Livorno and Pisa were part of the same province, the Département de la Méditerranée, whose capital was obviously Livorno.


Ce département est l'un des trois que forme le grand Duché de Toscane.
Il est borné au N. par la principauté de Lucques, à l'Orient par les départemens de l'Arno et de l'Ombrone, au S. par la principauté de Piombino, et à l'Occident par la mer Méditerranée. Sa superficie est de 491,000 hectares; sa population est de 318,725 individus; il est divisé en trois arrondissemens communaux.
Ce département, qui fait partie de la quatrième série, et a trois députés à élire au Corps législatif, est compris dans la vingt-neuvième division militaire, la seizième cohorte de la légion-l'honneur, la vingt - neuvième conservation des forêts, les diocèses de Pise, de Livourne, Pescia, San Miniato, Volterra et Colle; la sénatorerie de ........... et ressortit à la Cour d'appel de Florence.


Arrondissement de Livourne.
M. Capelle, Préfet à Livourne.
M. Tonduti-Lescarene, Secrétaire général.
Conseil de Préfecture composé de quatre Membres : Messieurs,
Mugnai, Palloni, Faleni, ......... .
Chefs-lieux des Justices de paix, Castel-Fiorentino, Fauglia, Lari, Livourne (trois Justices de paix), Miniato (Saint), Palaja, Peccioli:, Pontedera, Rosignano.
M. ..... , Maire, à Livourne.


Arrondissement de Pise.
M. De Nobili, Sous-Préfet à Pise.
Chefs-lieux des Justices de paix. Bains Saint Julien, Barga, Bientina, Borgo-Buggiano, Cascina, Castel Franco di Sotto, Furcecchio, Montecarlo, Montecatini, Pescia, Pietra (Sainte), Pise (deux Justices de paix), Seravezza, Vicopisano.
Arrondissement de Volterra.
M. Guidi, Sous-Préfet à Volterra.
Chefs-lieux des Justices de paix. Campiglia, Colle, Gemignano (Saint), Montajone, Pomarance, Volterra.
(L'almanach impérial pour l'année 1810, Chapitre X: Organisation administrative)

The French even gave us the nice coat of arms you can see above, we would only need to drop the Napoleonic bees for three tiny leaning towers of Pisa.

See also: Pis-orno
External links: Méditerranée - First French Empire (Wikipedia)
Organisation administrative (L'almanach impérial pour l'année 1810, in French)


  1. I think the people of Pisa will be fine even if Livorno becomes the Capitol.

  2. This is probably a very important matter for local pride, and it probably also affects the jobs of people who work in the government. Good luck, Livorno.

  3. Oi, "Napoleonic bees?" At first I assumed they were pesky Pisan flies.

    Who (but you) can understand all this complicated European history . . .

  4. I'm glad that for Livorno's flag they did away with the flies...
    God bless you!

  5. It seems a lot has happened lately. As a lover of animal images, I would keep the bees, but I would have to think about their Napoleonic significance. If there were three small towers, it would all be architectural. I vote for seagulls.

  6. Portugal was invaded three times by the Napolean troops! Nice coat of arms, even with the bees! :-)

  7. Our school went through the same in '61. Two towns wanted to claim the name. After a bit of historical research found Scottish roots. We are Bonny Eagle!
