Sunday, June 24, 2012


Coat of arms, Province of LivornoIt has been a while since they started, but the talks on the abolition of the provinces have recently taken a practical turn. If the outright abolition will fail, there is even a plan B for their reduction from 107 to 54.Map of the provinces of TuscanyTo be sure of surviving a province must have at least 350,000 inhabitants, an area of 3,500 km² (1,350 sq mi) and 50 municipalities.Table of provinves data, TuscanyIn Tuscany only Florence meets the first two criteria and five more cities get one out three. Livorno, Prato, Pistoia and Massa-Carrara are at risk of unification with other provinces. The tiny province of Prato would come back to Florence or may join forces with Pistoia. Massa-Carrara will probably form with Lucca a province with three names, but the only logic and tragic choice for Livorno has the name of Pisa.

See also: Province of Livorno - Palazzo Granducale
External links: Ecco il piano che dimezza le Province (Il Corriere della Sera, in Italian) - Province accorpate: come cambia la Toscana (Il Tirreno, in Italian)


  1. Current time might indeed create a different geography for many a place.

    Please have a good Sunday.

  2. It is certainly a time when people need to look at making government more efficient. Thanks for reporting on the analysis that Italy is going through. No doubt, there are lots of historic emotions that will be affected.

  3. It will make me sad to have the name Livorno disappear...but I understand change happens whether it's liked or not!

  4. I love that photo. I had no idea you were so close to Umbria.

  5. Oh no, poor Livorno.
    Change is hard after many years, anywhere.
    But no, no, just not "Pis-orno." oi

  6. Dina - Provinces are only (redundant and wasteful) administrative sub-divisions of a region, named after their principal town and including several minor municipalities. Any change to the provinces will not affect the towns, which will maintain their status, name and local government (mayor).

  7. No Pis-orno!

    We have similar discussions here. It costs too much money to administrate small areas. More money could have been used differently, that is what some of the politicians are saying. Others will fight to keep small hospitals and other work places.
    Time will show.

  8. The same is happening here and the controversy is very much alive. Beautiful coat of arms!

  9. There has been recurring talk of the abolition of départements here. And there are an awful lot of them with the régions on top...

    Whatever happens, the coat of arms will remain!

  10. I am really sorry to hear this. Incorporations like this always mean a loss of some services, etc. But with the added injustice of being paired with Pisa... that's tough news!

  11. Oh no! I am sure you don't like this.

  12. And... What's actually a province for? Oh, nevermind...
    God bless you!

  13. Cioè Lucca-Massa-Carrara? Se mai accadrà mi toccherà abbreviarla in LMC...elucubrazioni da burocrati. Ciao, Arianna

  14. Interesting. So, this is a country wide initiative? Or, is it something the local communities decide among themselves? It sounds as if there will be some very unhappy people if it is forced on them. I'll be interested to hear how it goes....

  15. So, the same is being considered in several countries.

  16. They take into consideration here too such an "improvement". It's all for economical reasons.

  17. It's interesting that not even one of the provinces met with all three requirements VP. Love the title for this post, I'm sure that will never happen haha!
