Friday, March 9, 2012

Tricycle Art

Tricycle, via Ricasoli, LivornoA tricycle in “Via Ricasoli”.

A three-wheeled vehicle aptly evokes the fundamental components of Buddhist philosophy. Buddhism itself is often referred to as the “vehicle to enlightenment,” and the tricycle’s three wheels allude to the three treasures: The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, or the enlightened teacher, the teachings, and the community. The wheels also relate to the turning of the wheel of dharma, or skillfully using the teachings of the Buddha to face the challenges that the circle of life presents.
(About The Tricycle Foundation in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review)

Search labels: bicycle art
External links: Bicycle Art


  1. A great correlation between the philosophy and the vehicle.

  2. How interesting. I thought they were just more practical for balance (obvious) and for carrying more stuff. I remember a woman back when I was a kid in Tuzla (Bosnia) who used it for her transportation (rain or shine).

  3. Well, this is the first time I have read this kind of description for a tricycle.

  4. What I need to carry Baron around in!

  5. A thoughtful connection. Nice.

  6. That's what I would need but I'm not sure I'd pedal philosophically.

  7. It's practical but pretty ugly.

    I like the correlation you made!

  8. It's a bike and that is all that counts!

  9. So beautiful bike.It reminds me one that I had when I was a kid!
    Happy weekend,

  10. This tricycle may work as an analogy of Buddhism on several levels, but as a rider of a motorcycle and sidecar I can tell you that any vehicle with three wheels is unstable. That doesn't work well for Buddhism, perhaps the most stable of all religious philosophies. Nice photo however.

  11. So cool! It reminds me of the only transport there was at a gorgeous peninsula named Muisne, on the Ecuador coast, where I spent some lovely days. The 'box' was the place for passengers! :-)

  12. Interesting information about the tricycle... but I'm still not ready to use one. :))

  13. Gee, I thought it was just a more stable version of people-powered transportation.

  14. Interesting post , i would never have tought of that watching a tricycle :)

  15. Thanks for enlightening us! :) I love this ROUGE bike. I have one in Paris I'll be posting this week as well.
    Bon weekend VP!

  16. I'll certainly look at a tricycle in a more respectful way now VP. Love this image.

  17. Gosh, I never realized there was a deeper meaning to tricycles. I just thought it made for a more stable (no balancing) and convenient (bigger rack) cycle.
