Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Drunken Cheese

Formaggio ubriaco, drunken cheese, food fair, Livorno“Formaggio ubriaco” (drunken cheese) is a typical dairy product of the Veneto countryside. Local farmers used to wash their rounds of cheese with pomace, giving to their product a unique flavour.Ricotta salata al pistacchio, salted ricotta cheese with pistachios, food fair, Livorno“Ricotta salata al pistacchio” or salted ricotta cheese with pistachios. These and many other treats for sale at a food fair in “Piazza XX Settembre”.

See also: Food Fair - Salami & Cheese - Sweets - Polenta - Hot Peppers - Cassata and Cannoli


  1. my concern for my cholesterol levels flies out the window (and my doctor cringes), this is a cheese paradise!

  2. I would LOVE the ricotta with pistachios.

  3. Not so appetizing to look at (at least with the pomace - thanks for the link, I didn't know about that) but delicious for the taste buds, I'm sure.

  4. I do love many Italian cheeses, but I'm not sure about these . . .

  5. I would LOVE to try these, esp the ricotta with pistachios. Have never seen this kind of cheese.

  6. They look funny to me, but since they're cheeses, I will try them nevertheless. I love cheese.

  7. Cheese with pistachio looks more appealing than cheese with pomace.
    Interesting methods.

  8. I am so hungry now and these look so good!

  9. Count me in.

    It was my Italian day yesterday, lol, gnocchi for lunch and some bresaola for dinner! :-)

  10. I think I'll rather go for the second one.

  11. I have never heard about drunken cheese, maybe people will be drunken after eating it? In any case, I love Italian cheese.

  12. I would be in paradise there! :-)

  13. I'll try any kind of cheese - the smellier the better. My mouth is watering for that first one.

  14. Some crusty bread, a glass of vino and we're ready to go VP!

  15. oh gosh...I love ricotta!I would like to taste the cheeses there.

  16. Fantastic looking cheeses which I an only dream about being available here. Wish I could try both with a crusty bread and a good red wine.

  17. VP, I forgot how to post to "A Bunch of Benches"--can I get instructions from you?

  18. Italian liquor & cheese...what's not to like. ~Mary

  19. Thank you for this joy for the sense of taste !

    Please have a good Wednesday.

  20. I don't think I have ever tried one of these, but if I ever visit Livorno I will give them a try.

  21. Oh my goodness! That is huge amounts of cheese! Looks delicious :D

  22. Blessed are the cheesemakers! Heh, Monty Python references aside, those lumps of cheese look tasty. You see them on display like that and it becomes pretty easy to imagine the stuff you can make from cheese like that. Of course, the option of enjoying them as a snack is also open!

    -Alex Staff
