Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mission Statement

Bus stop signs with pictures of local landmarks, LivornoATL (Azienda Trasporti Livornese), our public transport operator, has just installed several new bus stop signs illustrated with some of the landmarks of Livorno. Looking for something more about this, I found instead their quite emphatic mission statement:

ATL, public transport Company in Livorno, guarantees all citizens access to the services and facilities (bus and car), regardless of nationality, gender, ethnicity, language, religion, political opinion, wealth, social or physical conditions.
(Sorry, nothing about the pursuit of happiness...)

The English is theirs and you can find more of it following this link. In fact, the last time I took a bus I wasn't asked about my political opinions, there were foreign nationals on board, several women, a guy with a cough and even a nun. Few of them used the ticket machine, but probably they had... “subscriptions”.


  1. I remember riding buses in Rome and was always making sure somebody should see my little ticket.

  2. Nice to know it is open for everyone.

  3. what's that "no pursuit of happiness"...there's no guarantee of that on buses over here either ;-) of course the last time I rode a bus was in Miami Florida in 1982! in my lifetime I have used buses as my primary means of transportation, it was grand if the timing was good (not perfect, just good). like this shot!

  4. I didn't see anything about getting you where you want to go, at the time you want to be there, with all of your limbs and organs intact.

  5. It's interesting that they felt the need to classify all that VP, wouldn't everyone of whatever orientation be allowed to ride the bus anyway?

  6. This reminds me of Rome where I never could figure out how the buses work... :-)

    Now you'll need to show us buses inside and out...

  7. I like so much this picture with the lamp detail!You are an artist VP! :)

  8. Nice bus stop, and nice to know that everyone is allowed:)

  9. I portoghesi sono da tutte le parti! Comunque non è malaccio l'idea di questi cartelli! Ciao, Arianna

  10. How interesting that they feel the need to post this. Also interesting, the words "BUS STOP." That must be universally understood!

  11. I never take a bus but I use the subway quite often and I am always fascinated by the mix of people you find there. Best place for people watching! :-)

  12. Wow. Just wow. For the Ministry of national happiness, go to Bhutan. But not by bus.

  13. I love your statement on the transport users. I am reading between the lines...
    I like the idea of pictures helping tourists with the lines though. I think that's a good idea.

  14. The new signs are nice. But the mission statement is strange, just stating the obvious.
