Sunday, January 29, 2012

270 Years After

Procession, piazza Grande, LivornoA procession in “piazza Grande” celebrating the protection of Saint Mary in occasion of an earthquake that hit Livorno on January 27, 1742. The act of devotion became even more significant because the same day, just before 4 PM, an earthquake shook northern Italy and tremors were felt in Livorno for about 15 seconds.

See also: An account of the earthquakes which happened at Leghorn in Italy: between the 5th and 16th of January, 1742 by the Rev. Mr. Horton (Google Books)


  1. The strongest, so far, that I lived was a 4.3R - tribble knock on wood - for a few seconds. Must have been a challenge over there. Currently there are a few down south from here, reaching up to 5 and more.
    Please have you all a safe Sunday.

  2. I couldn't find any information about "Livorno earthquake" on Wikipedia...but you took a nice shot,VP!

  3. This one is a "portfolio" image, VP.

  4. Stunning night photograph. The color of that sky is dreamy.

  5. Good to count on such protection!
    Amazing shot!
    God bless you!

  6. The night shot is wonderful!

    I understood that tremors have been felt in the day you took the photo? Oh, somebody want to warn us, "pecatores"!

  7. Beautiful evening shot. Those white robes almost seem to glow.

  8. The major source of light seems to be vehicle head lights. Great photo.

  9. Wonderful image VP and as you say all the more significant because of the tremors on the day. Very scary.

  10. The same day!! Oi, that must have been so scary. We heard of your earthquake on Israel radio and I thought of you.
    Maybe more cities should have such acts of devotion like this procession.
    Your link gives the frightful description of the 1742 earthquake, yet only a few were killed then.

    Your photo is wonderful in many ways.
    May Livorno never know such shaking and quaking again.

  11. L'ho sentito anch'io il terremoto, parlavano di 6 secondi ma 15 mi sembrano più giusti! Ciao, Arianna

  12. I've now stopped listening to the radio and of course haven't bought a TV set so I'm learning about news as I blog-travel...

    This is a fantastic NIGHT shot! :-)

  13. Superb nightshot, - (or should I say streetshot?)

  14. Gorgeous night shot! The blue of the sky is amazing.

  15. It seems that churches everywhere in the world really know how to put on a traditional celebration!
