Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Three Years of PowerShots

My Canon PowerShot SX20 IS, LivornoExactly three years ago we posted our first photo of Livorno on this blog. On our third anniversary it is time to honor our modest tools: I took most of these pictures with the camera above, a Canon PowerShot SX20 IS, which I have been using since December 2009.
My Canon PowerShot SX3 IS, LivornoTrillian's Canon PowerShot SX5 IS, Paris
On the left a slightly younger me is sitting near a bollard in the “Porto Mediceo”, holding my older camera, a PowerShot SX3. On the right Trillian is posing at La Défense with another PowerShot, her SX5.
On the occasion we would also like to thank and salute all our friends, followers and fellow bloggers for their support: may you always find something interesting in these pages!


  1. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! We are Canon people, too, and have quite a few of them from PowerShots to 7D and all kinds of lenses. I tend to like the smaller ones I can keep in my pocket for quick access. The larger ones are great for photo safaris to shoot animals and flowers.

    I truly enjoy your blog! I hope you keep those great pictures coming.

    All the best,

  2. I always find something interesting here VP! Congrats on your blogiversary!

  3. Happy blog anniversary! Interesting to see what cameras you and Trillian use to capture your fantastic shots!

  4. You have posted some amazing photos - I'm just in the process of choosing my first ever SLR camera and it will be between a Canon or Nikon.. Good to know you are both happy with you Canon cameras.

  5. VP - CONGRATULATIONS on 3 great years of your CDP blog! Keep up the good work!
    Kind regards from EAGAN

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love your blog and I always enjoy seeing things from your beautiful city. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. Congratulations to you and Trillan! I am really happy to see your images everyday. I also look forward reading your comments and your great sense of humor. Thank you for 3 years of great pictures in all of your blogs and the effort you put in them. Really glad to see images of the 3 of you!

  8. Happy blogaversary! Buon compleano! Wishing you many more... powershots!

  9. Potresti cambiare città.....comunque AUGURI a tutti e soprattutto a questa città.
    p.s. oh a pisa no!!!!

  10. Mazal tov on three years of your dedication to this wonderful blog.
    Thanks for this rare chance to see photos of both VP and Trillian.
    May you enjoy your nice cameras and have many new things to photograph and share for many years to come.
    Shalom to you!

  11. Bon anniversaire ! Love both your portraits!

  12. Congratulations dear friends, we love your blog, always beautiful pictures and very interesting posts!
    I also love your portraits!
    Hugs to you both!

  13. Congratulations on your anniversary!!! Keep on posting:)
    Love your portraits:)

  14. happy anniversary and thank you for three years of windows into your world. it's been a wonderful adventure.

  15. Congratulations and BRAVO/WELL DONE to both of you!
    I did not know about your city, even the fact that I have been to Italy, but now I know quite a bit, and I look forward to see and hear even more.
    Have a nice Christmas and HAPPY NEW (BLOG) YEAR!!

    Greetings from Gunn
    - up in the north.
    Stavanger, Norway

  16. Oh well done VP and Trillian, amazing effort, three years is a long time in blogworld I think, thanks for all the great posts.

  17. Congratulations to you and Trillian for your 3rd blog anniversary!

    Saluti cordiali

  18. Congratulations! Great post to celebrate your blog's third anniversary.

  19. Congratulations on your blog's anniversary. It is good to see both of you (though I am still not prepared to show all of myself yet . . . ) And, we are both in the Canon family. I use a Canon DSLR and a Canon point-and-shoot, mainly the DSLR.

  20. Well done the two of you! 3 years without missing a day takes some doing, I know I could not do this and indeed have not quite managed it. I too am a Canon user, it is great gear.

  21. You have a great blog! Canons are great cameras, and I now own two. Just got a new one and 18-270 lens for Christmas. Will soon be using it.

  22. Congrats! It's been fun to follow your walks around Livorno these past three years.

  23. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!!! I love seeing your photos everyday! Cheers to many more posts :D

  24. Congratulations... here's too many more!
