Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Preparing polenta, piazza XX Settembre, LivornoI am not sure how much familiar most of you are with “polenta”. This guy was preparing it at a food fair in “Piazza XX settembre”.


  1. Wonderful picture! Great portrait VP. I grew up with many Italian friends so polenta is very well regarded in my memory.

  2. Polenta has been familiar in this community for as long as I can remember. It is delicious!

  3. Delicious yes, but I have to admit that when I first glanced this picture I wondered just where this guy was making polenta!

  4. Polenta seems to be becoming increasingly popular where I live. I don't think of it as being stirred in metal buckets with a wooden paddle.

  5. That's a huge pan of polenta - did you get to taste any??

  6. I've made polenta...years and years ago when I used to cook a lot. This is an absolutely GREAT photo VP...the man on the street cooking! And he's a bit of good looking to this old ladies eyes!

  7. I like polenta but rarely make it. Nice portrait, nice smile.

  8. I think I would buy polenta from this guy, even though I have never tasted it.
    Interesting, your link says it went from peasant food to gourmet food.

  9. I love polenta, from time to time..

    Nice portrait VP!

  10. The picture is deceiving: tha guy is not on his own on a street making polenta. He was in the middle of a square, on the side of a well stocked stall of gourmet food from Val d'Aosta.

  11. ma daiii! la polenta a livorno!!!!
    ma allora... fa freddo anche lì!

  12. Having some today actually. Love the guy's half-crooked kind of smile.

  13. I like polenta and I like this photo - superb:)

  14. I love polenta! In the US there is a similar dish called grits that I also love.

  15. What a big "polenta"! I like it with cheese and sour-cream but also with filled cabbage. We eat polenta here. In Romanian we call it "mamaliga".
