Thursday, November 3, 2011


Half-painted wall, vicolo delle Rimesse, LivornoA pentimento is an alteration in a painting, evidenced by traces of previous work, showing that the artist has changed his mind. Not much of artistic here, but the pentimento is there.


  1. if not artistic at least colorful

    perhaps the painter ran out of paint time energy or money

  2. If I didn't know your blog I would have thought this was in Arizona. Beautiful light.

  3. The light is wonderful. Next time I paint a room and don't finish it I will have a name for it.

  4. Great post VP. Love the colors and light in the shot and once again your sense of humor and everyday life is the best!

  5. So this was the post you referred to on HTE? You see the most intriguing and strangest details!

  6. Thanks for the new word and the modern "illustration" of it.
    It's fun to say pentimento.
    Interesting that it comes from the word "to repent."

  7. I love the light in this photo, and the colours. There is something nostalgic about this window.

  8. A wonderful excuse for starting and not finishing a painting VP, thanks for the info! By the way your Florence images from yesterday are so beautiful, I love the way you say 'we took a day trip to Florence', how I would love to be able to say that, instead of having to fly for something like 25 hours..

  9. Changed his mind? Or ran out of paint? :D
