Saturday, October 29, 2011

Natural Time

Clock, church of Sant'Andrea, LivornoNever been a great fan of the “ora legale” (daylight saving time) and I am glad that tomorrow we will be back to our natural time.

See also: Sant'Andrea - Clocks


  1. Totally agree with you VP. I guess we are changing it as well sometime soon. Not quite sure when.

  2. Counting only the happy, the sunny hours.

    Please have a good weekend.

  3. VP I'm not a fan of daylight savings time either...Arizona and Hawaii are the only 2 states, in the USA, who still do not observe it...I enjoyed living in AZ...the rest of the country changes back November 4th

    excellent shot of the clock

  4. I will be glad to "fall back" (as we call it in America), this weekend.

  5. Our standard time begins on November 6th. Am sad to see so much darkness during my waking hours.

  6. We change over next weekend. I like it but I wish it would just stay the same. Nice photo.

  7. Enjoy your once-a-year bonus hour.

    Nice to see modern clocks still with Roman numerals.

  8. Clapping hands. I prefer natural time too.

    Most people are depressed already here and want to stay on summer time 365 days a year...

  9. Well, I belong to the group of people who already feel depressed knowing that it will be dark at 6pm in two days. Hate it.

  10. Anch'io preferisco l'ora solare, anche se il pomeriggio fa buio presto...buon we, Arianna!

  11. Western Australia and Adelaide are the only states in Australia that don't practice daylight saving. We are already 2hours behind the rest of Australia, and now we're three! Makes it difficult in the business world! So I'm with you VP, natural time is best..

  12. Not me, VP. I like having light in the evening. It is depressing in midwinter when it is dark at 4 p.m.
