Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Feel the Pain

Stairs, piazza della Repubblica, Fosso Reale, LivornoA bike on the stairs leading down from “Piazza della Repubblica” to the water level of the “Fosso Reale”.Green front door, via Giovannetti, LivornoOne more elegant front door, this one in “Via Giovannetti”.Barrel-tables, pizzaria, via Del Fante, LivornoA row of barrel-tables outside a pizzaria in “Via Del Fante”.Feel the Pain ad, tattoo parlor shutter, via Paoli, LivornoThe self-defeating ad on a tattoo parlor shutter in “Via Paoli”.Structure at the entrance of a condo, via Giusti, LivornoSomething unusual at the entrance of a condo in “Via Giusti”.

More Walks


  1. Great set of images VP. I like the barrels!

  2. Lovely the Green Door - very elegant!
    I have just started reading "Count of Monte Cristo" and on looking at the map I see the Island of Elba is not far from your home town. have you ever visited there?

  3. This is one of your better "walk" collections, VP. The green door is great; I want it. And the pattern from the concrete blocks in the last photo is unexpected and wonderful.

  4. Interesting walk. Love the green door and the unusual formation of the bricks.

  5. A good series again! Like everybody I also like the green door.

  6. Superb walk - I love the barrels and the bike:)

  7. Sempre con l'occhio attento! Belli anche gli atleti nel post sotto, ciao, Arianna!

  8. I feel like such a "cheapskate" only posting one lone photo each day when you serve up this nice buffet of photos. I can't choose, although that bike caught my eye and the ROUGE wall and urban art is pretty interesting! :)

  9. Lovely walk today VP, like the green door a lot, but love the 'feel the pain' sign on tattoo parlour..classic!!

  10. All really unusual, for sure.
    It almost looks like a mezuza on the door post, but that would be too unusual.

  11. That is perfect for the tattoo parlor...although I'd rather not feel the pain! Ever!

  12. Very nice set of shots. Great name for a tatoo shop.
