Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Long Walk - 2 of 3

Handbag with a tear, via Ricasoli, LivornoA crying handbag in “Via Ricasoli”.Lintel, Ferdinandus Medices Magnus Dux Etruriae, LivornoOn a window lintel in “Via Pieroni”: Ferdinandus Medices Magnus Dux Etruriae (Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany).Drink umbrella, LivornoYou can buy this for your fancy tropical drinks...Corner stones, Santa Maria del Soccorso, LivornoCorner stones of the rectory of “Santa Maria del Soccorso”.Table for two on the sidewalk, LivornoSurely not the more romantic spot in town...

See also: Long Walk (1 of 3) - Long Walk (3 of 3) - More Walks


  1. I really like the photo of the cornerstones of the rectory. Good looking pattern and color.

  2. terrific little treasures you served to us today. thank you.

  3. I like the table for two, too. We ate at little spots like that often while in Italy. So nice.

  4. Your walks are so entertaining, VP. I will go for the window.

  5. Nice photos. I really like the color of the rectory wall.

  6. Enjoyed them all VP, but have soft spot for yellow, so..!

  7. I love your long walks. This is fantastic! The window is extraordinary, is there a connection of the grand duke and the building?

  8. Thanks for sharing your pictures, I'm taking that "handbag", it's adorable!
    Léia :)

  9. I like the stone corner and the idea of the table for two:)

  10. I love the way Europeans respect the old stones by leaving some of the originals visible when plastering over.

    I wonder if you saw so many strange and beautiful things before you started blogging.

  11. Beautiful and interesting details, VP !

  12. Your walks always give me something to laugh about.

    I find the crying handbag quite odd. But maybe a nice dinner at the table for two will make up for it! :)

  13. I love the handbag! The table might be not romantic place for two,but still is so cosy,and the photo of corner stones is classy!
    Superb walk!

  14. I confess, I love those tropical drinks with the umbrellas on them! Great photos, VP :D

  15. My favourite shot is the simplest one: the building corner. Really cool!

  16. @ ciel - This part of the building is the only one that survived the last war and it was built at the time of the Grand Duke.

  17. Another great walk VP. Somehow I do like a lot your last image here.

  18. L'ironia dell'ultima foto è impareggiabile, mentre la borsina e l'ombrellino sono carini! Ciao, Arianna
