Sunday, September 4, 2011

Berlin 1936

1936 Unione Canottieri Livornesi Eight, Olympic Silver Medal, Langersee, Berlin
1936 Unione Canottieri Livornesi Eight
Olympic Silver Medal, Langersee
bow Gugliemo Del Bimbo, 2 Dino Barsotti
3 Oreste Grossi, 4 Enzo Bartolini, 5 Mario Checcacci
6 Dante Secchi, 7 Ottorino Quaglierini
stroke Enrico Garzelli, coxswain Cesare Milani

In a time when most of the rowers came from universities, they were stevedores and dock workers in the port of Livorno, people accustomed to hard work. The group found its nickname at a regional championship in 1928: rowing with force and without technique, the boat “scarrocciava” (drifted left and right).
Some Tuscan wit called them “Scarronzoni” and the name stuck to all the Livornese crews until 1948. In this period, the eight of the “Canottieri Livornesi” won twelve Italian titles, one Bronze, three Silver and two Gold Medals in the European Championships. They won the Silver Medal at the Olympics Games in Los Angeles and Berlin.This last endeavour can be seen in Leni Riefenstahl's “Olympia”.


  1. thank you for teaching me something that i did not know before. impressive mean to measure time and life indeed.

    please have a good sunday.

  2. Excellent info and I love that old photo.

  3. This is an interesting story, VP.

  4. This was interesting... nice to see an old picture of the champions.

  5. Really cool VP. Thank you. Great video.

  6. The controversial 1936 Olympics and the none less controversial Leni Riefenstahl. I really enjoyed this post though, and I love to watch rowing anyway!

  7. Very interesting post!
    Happy Sunday to you:)

  8. Nice story. Interesting details.

  9. Oh I'm a sucker for stories like this. Great post, VP!

  10. Great post, VP! Leni Riefenstahl's 1938 Olympia is fantastic, the way she filmed it and the angles she has coosen are amazing.

  11. Nice to remember the great sportsmen!

  12. Good for them!

    That's an exciting clip.

  13. Brilliant VP, loved watching the video, they certainly did well and I'm not sure what 'Scarronzoni' means, but I'm guessing it was dropped after those remarkable results.

  14. Team in white shirt is the Swiss eight stroke Karl Schmid
    Team on the right may be the Italian team, not sure

    Alex Peyer Lucerne CH

  15. Team in white shirt is def. the Swiss Team, stroke Karl Schmid.
    Team on the right may be the Italian team, not sure.

  16. The team in the white shirts are the Swiss Boys from FCZ. Stroke Karl Schmid.
    The boat to the right may be the Italian team, not sure though.
    Alex Peyer
    April 25 2016
