Sunday, August 21, 2011


Angiolo Tommasi, Gli emigranti, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Roma“Gli emigranti” (The Emigrants), a 1895 painting by the Livornese Angiolo Tommasi, was chosen for a commemorative stamp of the Museo Nazionale Emigrazione Italiana (National Museum of the Italian Emigration).Postage stamp, Museo Nazionale Emigrazione, RomaThe painting shows the pier Federico Guglielmo, in the port of Genoa, where a group of emigrants is patiently waiting for their passage on a steamer.

See also: Museo Nazionale Emigrazione Italiana (in Italian)


  1. and still, a contemporary mean to measure time and life. may they be treated kind.

    please have a good sunday.

  2. A profound image. Good people looking for a new life.

    We here in the USA received a great number of waves of immigrants in the past and still do now. My husband and my daughter-in-law are legal immigrant Americans by Choice.

  3. A powerful painting. Illustrates well the theme.

  4. It is a great painting. I can see why it was chosen for the stamp.

  5. Beautiful painting VP we can only imagine what it must have been like in those times.

  6. I wonder what they were feeling, about to leave home forever.
    I like to think that my ancestors are in this picture.

  7. A Lucca c'è il Museo Paolo Cresci, e ora è in corso una mostra sull'emigrazione fino a settembre...buona domenica, Arianna!

  8. UNa chulada de sello, si señor.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  9. Love the little redhead girl in the crowd. Looks like a beautiful stamp!

  10. Excellent painting and it makes a wonderful stamp. Are you a collector? MB

  11. MB - No, I am not a collector...

  12. I love the painting! Most of the people living in North America are immigrants or their ancestors were...but many tend to forget that. For some strange reason, I never think of Italy as having boatloads of immigrants. I think that's very ignorant of me. Thanks for posting this and making me think.

  13. Beautiful painting! So is the stamp.
