Monday, August 15, 2011

Largo Bellavista

I took these pictures from the roof terrace of a building in “Largo Bellavista” (Beautiful View Place), a tiny space off “Viale Italia”, where practically our “lungomare” begins.Nazario Sauro marina, Scoglio della Regina (Queen's Rock), LivornoWe can see in background our aquarium, some beach resorts and the Nazario Sauro marina.Scoglio della Regina (Queen's Rock), Vegliaia breakwater, LivornoThis partly dilapidated structure is the once famous “Scoglio della Regina” (Queen's Rock) beach resort, quite fashionable in the 19th century. The distant line of rocks at sea is the Vegliaia breakwater, protecting the entrance of the port of Livorno.Fanale dei Pisani, Curved Breakwater, Darsena Morosini, Benetti Shipyard, LivornoThe narrow Bellana shingle beach lies between the “Scoglio” and the whitish seawalls of the “Darsena Morosini”, now part of the Benetti Shipyard. The towering “Fanale dei Pisani” watches the entrance of the port.


  1. VP what a great set of pictures! Love seeing the area from above.

  2. How beautiful - all three images. The bottom one, though is very familiar to me from when we were there many times aboard Splendour of the Seas.

  3. These pictures are helpful to see how Livorno is laid out.

  4. The photos are all "postcard picture perfect"...esp. the first two.

  5. What beautiful views. Kate's right they could be postcards.

  6. Fantastic views of Livorno's coastline VP, I bet the Scolio della Regina was a fantastic place in it's heyday!!Excellent lighthouse too.

  7. My favourite is the last one, with the lighthouse! Sky and sea have the same color.

  8. Nice scenery. You could easily create a panorama from the first two photos.

  9. Well thank you for these wonderful views. My favourite is the last one too, that's because I like the fanale dei Pisani a lot...

  10. What a great view! Have you ever posted photos of the aquarium? :-)

  11. Interesting views. Time marches on...

  12. Wow, it certainly is a place for bellavista!
