Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Calendar from Livorno

Old Eglish Cemetery, Livorno
[Photo by Matteo Giunti]
Our friends Sarah Thompson (Livorno Now) and Matteo Giunti (Leghorn Merchant Networks) have just published a new calendar illustrated with some photos of Livorno taken by local amateur photographers. Trillian and I made our contribution with a few pictures and we are quite proud of it.
The calendar can be purchased for a price of 10 Euro and all the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the association taking care of the Old English Cemetery in Livorno.

See also: Old English Cemetery - New English Cemetery


  1. Congratulations VP! I like this image very much, especially the way the light falls on this bold plant, growing from a tombstone. Wonderful work :^)

  2. Very nice VP! Congrats! Beautiful image.

  3. This is a most evocative photo, VP. A real beauty.

    Having a large bird hotel in the middle of a very formal walkway to a formal house is very unusual. I have not seen it before. Usually they would be unseen behind the house, or maybe inconspicuously at the side.

  4. Must be a wonderful calendar if this photo is included.

  5. Congratulations, VP, good for you both! A new life growing on the place were a former one has been, it is a touching subject.

  6. No preview of the calendar :-(

    This is an absolutely gorgeous photo.

  7. Such an affirming image. Beautiful. And congratulations to you and Trillian.

  8. How wonderful, VP! Would very much like to see the calander.

  9. Thank you VP for posting my photo as a symbol for the whole calendar!
    Very appreciated...

  10. I'd also be proud if one of my pics would make it to a calender! Bravo!
    God bless you!

  11. Congratulations VP and Trillian!
    The image is lovely, but I'd love to see your contribution:)

  12. Me again - thank you very much! Of course I've made a stupid mistake!

  13. Complimenti per la pregevole iniziativa!!!!!

  14. What an amazing example of the images in this calendar VP, if the others are as good as this one, it will be a wonderful calender to own. Congrats on having some of your pictures included!

  15. What a wonderful project. Good for you for being part of it.
    The photo is very tender.

  16. A very pretty macro. Hope you sell plenty of calendars!

  17. Awesome shot and a great idea.
