Friday, July 29, 2011

Parking Lot

Parking lot, viale Marconi, LivornoA couple of years ago I posted some pictures of this derelict gas station. The pumps are finally gone now, but so is the tree.Abandoned gas station, viale Marconi, Livorno
Already closed, June 2009

Gas station, viale Marconi, Livorno
Still working, January 2009

See also: Green Gas Station


  1. It was a little station. Too bad it's now a parking lot.

  2. Always sad to lose a city tree but parking places are probably badly needed.
    Nice that you have a historical record of what was.

  3. They could have kept the tree and built the parking lot around it. Well... maybe.

  4. Shame. They should have kept this tree!

  5. Bè, l'albero sembra stare meglio :) buon we, Arianna

  6. Well, it wasn't much of a gas station nor much of a tree, so it doesn't bother me as much as some losses.

  7. This spot looks so cool in the middle shot.

  8. We've had a lot of gas stations removed for environmental reasons. I imagine the drivers who used the station were a bit miffed foe a while but by now they have found alternatives. I think it's great that you have before and after photos.
