Sunday, May 8, 2011


Palazzo di Giustizia, Court House of LivornoInside the courtdyard of our “Palazzo di Giustizia” (Court House) we can see a barely legible plaque:Plaque, Marco Coltellini, Palazzo di Giustizia, LivornoHere Marco Coltellini had his typography where was printed “Dei delitti e delle pene” di Cesare Beccaria and from 1770 to 1779 the immense work of the French “Encyclopédie” in thirty-three large volumes (1883).French Encyclopédie, frontespiceThe plaque marked the place where once was the printer shop of Marco Coltellini, near the “Bagno Penale” (Penal Colony). After the demolition of the building it was moved to the current location.
The indication about where the “Encyclopédie” was printed is probably correct, but it seems that Coltellini's shop was elsewhere.

See also: Marco Coltellini - Dei delitti e delle pene - Cesare Beccaria - Encyclopédie


  1. I really like the antique look of the second and third photos. Very nice.

  2. I love the first photo and the poster.

  3. Wonderful history. I really like your blog!!! MB

  4. The story brings to mind the expression "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."

    An interesting choice of pictures to put in the title page.

  5. I wouldn't mind having that one at home. "A Livourne" would make all the difference. I didn't know about the dédiée à l'archiduc Pierre Léopold...

  6. Italian History is so interesting. I love the first shot with the decoration around the sign, it's beautiful!

  7. This is a wonderful series of related images, VP, and most informative. The fonts are all elegant and serious.

  8. An interesting, informative post!

  9. I guess you did your 'research' on this one.

  10. The first photo is really impressive! Very cool shot :D

  11. Super interesting post and great detail on top.

  12. Your posts are fantastic. You have such a sharp eye for composition and details that tell a story. Have a great week!

  13. Anche a me piacciono le targhe! Stavolta sul blog ho Milano, ciao, Arianna!
