Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pisan Walk - 2 of 2

San Giorgio ai Tedeschi, PisaA dilapidate bell tower, not far from the world famous Leaning Tower. One of the bells is probably already fallen away...Percy Bysshe Shelley, plaque, PisaA plaque placed on a building where Percy Bysshe Shelley lived and worked. In Italian “immagini” has a double “m”.Santa Bona, patron saint of hostesses, Pisa“Bona” is the colloquial and quite rude term for “hot”. A saint with this name, who also pretends to be the patron saint of hostesses, could only be a Livornese prank.Via delle Belle Donne” (Street of the Beautiful Women) plaque, PisaObviously “Via delle Belle Donne” (Street of the Beautiful Women), is a very short alley...La Dolce Vite (The Sweet Grapevine), PisaEverybody knows “La Dolce Vita” (The Sweet Life). “La Dolce Vite” (The Sweet Grapevine) is one of the finest wordplays ever made by a Pisan mind on any subject.

See also: Livorno Airport - Pisan Walk (2010) - Pisan Walk 1 of 2 (2011) - In Pisa (2013)
More Walks


  1. *sigh* I am in love with the bell tower. The more in ruin it is the better for me. I once wrote a paper on Mr. Shelley...that was quite a long time ago.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful time spend walking.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

  3. Your Pisan walks always give me a laugh. The Pisans probably had to sell the third bell for some extra money! And is Santa Bona some kind of new term for "cocktail waitress"? ;-)

  4. The top photo is delightful, and I imagine it as the cover of an interesting novel about Italy!

  5. These are great. I would like a little "Dolce Vita."

  6. The bell might have fallen off the bell tower, but at least the tower is standing straight.

  7. You have collected some real pearls.

    Glad you were not under the bell when it fell.

  8. The bell tower looks pretty, and could have been the model for a famous one on the Greek island Santorini.

    The sign to the "very short alley" (ha-ha :) is great in style, and I love the color that I just call "Italian"...
    and the style of the letters.

    The name also sounds like music !:)

    Keep walking....

  9. I like those kind of bell towers :)

  10. Wow that first picture is breathtaking, I love this kind of angle and the tower with the bells are beautiful! ;)
    Thanks for this smile on my face here!

  11. I love the bell tower, and enoteca seems to be proper place to end the nice walk:)

  12. Learned more about Shelley! Great photos of the bells and signs!

  13. (Obviously! LOL) Love the decay shot on top.

  14. 'A shoty alley' for beautiful women---HEY!!!

    Love the Pisan decay. LOL MB

  15. Bella carrellata di curiosità! Ciao, Arianna
