Friday, April 22, 2011

La Gran Guardia

Theater La Gran Guardia, LivornoIf the “Odeon” was larger with its 2300 seats, “La Gran Guardia” was the more noble of our movie theaters. It was built during the reconstruction of the area of “Via Grande”, almost destroyed during the air raids of the last war.Theater La Gran Guardia, Livorno“La Gran Guardia” was inaugurated in 1954 and, with its 1300 seats and a great acoustic, was the venue of choice not only for movies, but for theater, concerts and even operas.Theater La Gran Guardia, LivornoThe curious name, which literally means Big Guard, comes from a nearby old station of the guards called in the same way.Theater La Gran Guardia, LivornoThe theater closed in 2005, the same year of the “Odeon”, but at least there are no cars in its future: within months an international retail-clothing company will open a huge store on the premises.Theater La Gran Guardia, LivornoWe all wish well to this theater in its new incarnation; it was so sad to see this place as it was for the last time.

See also: Cinema Odeon


  1. Love these images VP, nothing better than to see a grand theater go back to life!

  2. That's a shame. Looks like it was a great place to watch movies.

  3. How impressive a sight indeed. Feels sad indeed, and a bit difficult to believe that city authorities did allow.

    Please have a good Friday.

  4. Very sad, but as you say it will not become a parking garage! So empty, so alone, joining hundreds of theaters around the world that are...gone!

  5. Sad that it cannot return to its former glory.

  6. Nice photos. I really like the last one.

  7. If old theatres like this hold on long enough, the circle will be completed and they might go back to become theatres again.

  8. Kind of sad to know that this beautiful place will no longer be a theatre. All the gorgeous ones are gone here too. MB

  9. Grand indeed. So good that you have a photo record of its previous grandeur.
    I love all those mythical creatures.
    Hard to imagine a clothing store instead. sigh

  10. tanti ricordi di bambina alla gran guardia....i film di disney, la pizza con la spuma da sai che quasi quasi mi dispiace che arrivi un'altro mega store di abbigliamento? mah... almeno non andrà alla malora...
    buona pasqua!

  11. Nutro una grande tristezza quando sento che viene chiuso uno storico cinema-teatro, a mio avviso l'amministrazione comunale avrebbe dovuto comprare i locali e ristrutturarlo per lasciare ai posteri un'interessante memoria del passato!!!!!!!!!

  12. All shots are fantastic! Glad you were able to freeze the theater before it's all gone. So sad...

  13. It's such a pretty place! That's too bad about it being torn down. Thank you for showing us one last time :-D

  14. Very pretty, great images, love the details and the light!

  15. Yeah, like the world needs another retail shop. NOT! One day losing this theatre this will generate regrets. Nice shots, VP.

  16. Sometimes "progress" does not seem to make good sense.

  17. Looks like a wonderful place to see a film, shame it will be no longer..
