Monday, April 18, 2011

Flags and Sails

Foreign navies ensigns, 28th TAN (2011) LivornoA Saturday morning with many flags in the wind for the last race of the J/24 class: the most unusual was probably the one of the PLA Navy (second from the left), while the most famous was surely the flag of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (bottom right).Stella Polare, 28th TAN (2011), LivornoThe “Stella Polare” (Pole Star) of the Italian Navy in full sail.Mexican crew with sombreros, 28th TAN (2011), LivornoA Mexican crew at work with the sails wearing large sombreros!J/24 leaving for the race, 28th TAN (2011), LivornoMany of the boats were able to leave the port in sail.Agusta-Bell AB 212ASW, 28th TAN (2011) LivornoSome lucky guy was taking pictures from a Navy AB 212ASW.

Search labels: TAN - Tuttovela


  1. The first photo is appealing with so much color! Also the Mexican boat presents a not so common crew, with those sombreros:)

  2. What a joyful event it feels to have been.

    Please have a good new week.

    daily athens

  3. I too was impressed with the first and the third photos...color and the unusual always appeal to me!

  4. I actually like the second photo! lol

  5. You have no idea how much I enjoy these images. Thank you!

  6. The sombreros are fantastic! ;D

  7. I love the photo of the guys in their sombreros.

  8. This all looks very festive. I would have enjoyed being there.

  9. But I'm glad the "lucky" guy in the open door was not you.

    The Mexicans with their hats are funny.

  10. The first picture with the flags is a real show of colors! Wonderful shots!

  11. A sombrero is probably not a good choice of headwear if there's any wind. But makes for a funny photo!

  12. Great post. The Japanese flag design is my favourite.

  13. I love this post, all photos are superb, but my favourite is the fourth one - such a view:)

  14. I like the fact that the Mexicans decided to go with the sombrero.
