Friday, March 25, 2011

Unwelcome Barriers

Bent chained post, LivornoThis bent chained post is part of a line that should separate lanes in “Piazza Cavour”.Bent chained posts, LivornoA sharp turn after a long straight stretch is always dangerous and these posts know something about it.Knocked over concrete bollard, LivornoThis concrete bollard in “Piazza Attias” was deliberately knocked over to gain access to some off-limits parking space. Both the posts and the bollard have been like that for months, but nobody seems to care.

See also: Piazza Attias - Ugly Corner - Palazzo Modigliani - Attias


  1. Sad to see that people don't care to repair things. Can't really believe someone knocked over that concrete bollard.

  2. Somehow they feel 'alive'. A bit sad as well.

    Over here, most of them have become 'plastic' as the former ones, metal and concrete as well, have been distroyed too.

    A nice mean to measure time and life.

    daily athens

  3. perhaps it is a case of...domani e un altro giorno! There are things where I live that I will not live to see fixed or finished! The graffiti on the posts you linked to from this post...boggles my mind. The subways in NYC looked like that the last time I was there! Are the ancient buildings ever tagged...that would be such a tragedy!

  4. ooops! I guess the car was ok.

  5. Someone sure was strong to knock that concrete one over.

  6. I am not surprised to see the metal posts bent, but who moved that very heavy concrete form? Hercules wanted to park there.

  7. The concrete ones with the hook on top remind me of the "dragons' teeth" the British would set up to block certain Jerusalem streets. They are still here, now as decoration.

  8. We have too much roadwork some places here in Stavanger, so signs or items like this (mainly in hard plastic) are all over. Many people are complaining, saying that paying road taxes for journeys to and from work or the city centre is not what they are happy about!! :(
    Your top photo is the most interesting.... lines and shadows!
    I liked that:)
    - Have a nice weekend!

  9. The first shot is wonderfully graphic. This looks so much like unruly France.

  10. The same here VP, so annoying!

  11. That is quite the lean they are doing! Glad the car seems to have made it back to the original road.

  12. I imagine they have had a funny night! Now they need to find a way to go home!
    My favorite idea is about the first shot, many stories come to my mind! LOL

  13. It's a phenomenon often seen here as well...

  14. These shots could have been taken here, VP...

  15. I'm thinking Italian drivers have a lot in common with Canadian drivers. :))
