Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Larger Picture

Working on top of the mast of a sailboat, Livorno
This may seem strange, but ...
Working on top of the mast of a sailboat, Livorno
... look at the larger picture!


  1. Holy cow! I wouldn't be doing that!

  2. Here we have identified still one more job that I do not want.

  3. Very clever VP Ciao! And well done! I spent some time this evening using the Livorno Google Map to "drive" around your city! I got "lost" in the port area among the cargo containers and I believe an airport. Found my way back into the city and was on these streets, Via San Giovanni, Via della Cinta Esterna, Piazza del Luogo Pio, Pizalle 11 Maggio, Via Palestro, Via Galileo Galilei, and Viale Giosue Carducci. I was "driving" at street level so saw lots of beautiful buildings (windows, doors, benches, plants on balconies) plus saw graffiti everywhere. Saw the fortress with the huge cracks from top to bottom, very impressive! I look forward to seeing more...only I'm going to print out a street map so help me when I'm at street level so I'll know where I am in relation to everything else.

  4. for money, everything will do for it.

  5. Very funny! Don't even want to think about how he's going to get down.

  6. Better there than with a broken sail or worse mast in a rough sea!

  7. Oi veh! Strange indeed.
    And doesn't his weight up there make the boat sway?
    You even caught a plane.

  8. wow , i couln't do that , very good shot ;)

  9. @ Theanne - You may try this. We have just uploaded some photos to Panoramio and you can see them on a map or as a slideshow.

  10. What the context means...Almost always nothing is like it seems to be...

  11. He definitely can't suffer from vertigo!
    Superb post:)

  12. Wow I love the way you show these two pictures!Brilliant idea and I like a lot.
    Brave guy there! wow again!

  13. Thank you for the link...the roof on the Mercato del Pesce is so unique and unusual!

  14. I hope he brought his camera with him.

  15. Well spotted, VP! Top shot: King Kong and planes flying around him! :-)))

  16. Super captures. You couldn't pay me to climb up a tall mast. At least he is safely roped in.
