Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Piazza del Municipio

Town Hall square, LivornoThe works in progress we saw a couple of months ago are almost completed and a part of the refurbished “Piazza del Municipio” is already open to the public. Always watching, from up there, is our colorful Chimera.Town Hall square, LivornoThis is where the buses carrying most of the cruise passengers stops, so a revamped square was long overdue. In background the arched loggia of our Chamber of Commerce.Town Hall square, LivornoTown Hall building is on the other side of the square and the rest... is a parking lot.

See also: Mural Crown - Everyday Chimera - Chamber of Commerce - Town Hall - Work in Progress - Coat of Arms


  1. The Piazza del Municipio looks a lot better!

  2. It is going to be handsome when finished.

  3. What a joy it must be to spend time there walking around and around and around.

    Thank you for this walk. Please have a good Wednesday you all.

    daily athens

  4. Very nice piazza...

  5. It does look different without the excavators under the palms.
    I'd like to be there getting off one of those buses from the cruise ships.

  6. Wow that is amazing--an almost finished project. It does look very nice. MB

  7. Beautiful building and BIG trees!
    Just wondering if a tree like this would survive in our city??

  8. That way when they rush to Pisa they get a very nice impression.

  9. It looks much better now, VP!
    Have a nice day!

  10. @ ciel - You are probably right...

  11. Is the town hall the building shown in the first picture? It looks like Fascist style architecture, am I right?

  12. @ Saretta - Sadly that horror was built well after the war, in the middle of a beautiful square, and with the consent of one the most leftish local administrations in Italy. It is an office building.

  13. A nice building. I love those big palms that set it off.

  14. Those are handsome palm trees in that revitalized square.

  15. It looks great! I'm sure it makes Livorno citizens feel proud and visitors feel welcome.

  16. Looks beautiful and I'm impressed by the angle in your first picture!
    Very well done!
