Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coat of Arms

City of Livorno, Coat of ArmsThis is the old version of the city of Livorno coat of arms, hanging just above the main entrance of our town hall. The royal crown has been recently updated to a mural crown.City of Livorno, Coat of Arms, 1926In this 1926 image we can see that during the Fascist period two “fasci” were added to the crest, to be quickly chipped away after the fall of the regime.

See also: Mural Crown - Town Hall - Piazza del Municipio


  1. Thank you VP, I really enjoy your posts when you show us the before and now.

  2. That is a very informative post, VP. The USA has not had to deal very much with things like adding and chipping off emblems like these Nazi fasces, although in the American South there sometimes are battles over continued use of the Confederate flag (which some see as racist).

    Thanks for educating us about heraldry.

  3. A thoughtful mean to measure time and life. Thank you for sharing. Please have a good Wednesday.

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  4. Thank you, once again, for teaching me something new.

  5. I agree with Luis. I like the before and after shots.

  6. I ended up following all your links. Heraldry is such a fascinating subject!

  7. Very interesting subject...with historical/political connections. I'm enjoying learning more about Livorno!

  8. Ah, the importance of symbols.

    I try to imagine the scene of the man chipping away at the big fasci.

  9. Interesting and informative post. I learn a lot here. MB

  10. It's so interesting to see how they changed!

  11. Looks pretty,grand,-and quite "Royal".

  12. So interesting, VP. I want to do a similar post with the three coat of arms of Oeiras, but haven't find the second one anywhere so far... :-)

  13. I love this subject and your picture is brilliant!

  14. Like Hilda, I followed all the links. How interesting that they feel the need to keep changing the crest. This something about which I know nothing.
