Thursday, January 13, 2011

Leda and the Swan

Leda and the Swan, Villa Fabbricotti, LivornoIn a quite remote corner of the “Villa Fabbricotti” park we can see a sculpture representing Leda and the Swan that was once part of a beautiful fountain.Leda and the Swan, Villa Fabbricotti, LivornoIn the early years of 1900, Pedro Alessandro Bossio, the honorary consul of Argentina, became the new owner of “Villa Attias”. Both the building and the park were restored and enriched, the fountain was commissioned to the sculptor Luigi Brizzolara.Villa Bossio, Leda and the Swan, LivornoIn an old photo of the villa, the fountain is clearly visible.Leda and the Swan, Villa Fabbricotti, LivornoIn 1968 the villa was demolished to make room for new buildings and for what is now “Piazza Attias”. The basins and the sculpture were moved to the place where now they stand.

See also: Villa Fabbricotti - Piazza Attias
Luigi Brizzolara (in Portuguese)


  1. While I understand progress and development, I can't stop to think: what a pitty! Houses, manors, fountains, sculptures, etc. moved from the environment where they fitted so well...Seldom the new place benefits them...That fountain is still wonderful...

  2. So very beautiful and really what a pity that the manor house is not there anymore.

  3. Great sculpture. I can't believe people can graffiti such works of art.

  4. surely poetry inside this sculpture. may it be stronger than time. and life.

    please have you all a good thursday.

    daily athens

  5. We can probably all fault the location and regret the disassembly of the fountain, but I guess there is room to be grateful that it has mostly been saved.

  6. I agree with J Bar. Nice post.

  7. Very interesting and thanks for the info. It is always too bad we cannot save the historic buildings. What is going on there now. The sculpture is save but is it really? MB

  8. And someone thought it intelligent to spray some green on it. Sheesh. Very powerful movement, it is a beautiful sculpture.

  9. So beautiful, a shame that it sits now in a remote corner, prey for graffiti.

  10. Looks like quite a fantastic water fountain - too bad it seems to be without water for quite a long time!

  11. This is so pretty. It's too bad the fountain was a victim. :(

  12. Ahh so sorry about the damages, this sculpture is wonderful!
    A treasure!

  13. Pity the villa was demolished but at least the beautiful sculpture was spared.
