Monday, November 29, 2010

Traffic Signs

Solar powered pedestrian crossing signs, LivornoTraffic signs are everywhere: here is a battery of solar powered pedestrian crossing signs on “Viale Alfieri”.Falling car sign, port of LivornoDon't smile: this has already happened, with tragic consequences.Direction signs, port of LivornoSomewhere in town there should be a sign pointing to Pisa...Traffic signs van, Livorno“Segnaletica Stradale” means traffic signs.Danger signSome signs end up in strange places, like this one in the “Parco Centro Città”, signaling... a large puddle of water?


  1. Nice that they are powered with solar energy.

  2. What impressed me most, that they are all so clean. Over here most 'wear' either graffiti or various stickers. Great as well the first picture; nearly unthinkable over here. Must feel good living there. Please have a nice new week.

    daily athens

  3. Great signs, the last one is the best with it's reflection.

  4. The top one is weird. I wonder why they need so many signs so close together.

  5. I like the photo with 7 destinations pointing to the right!

  6. Such a funny collection (except for the car about to drown).

    Solar powered? Nice idea.

  7. I love this post. Aren't signs so much fun. Sometimes you wonder who thinks them up. but again we need them because someone has to tell us what to do. haha!! MB

  8. Well,everything seems to be on the right:)
    The last one is superb with the reflection and the first leaves no doubts!
    Have a nice start of the week:)

  9. Should be easy to spot the top one!:)

    A nice collection, and I guess i would have needed a very good map-reader if I should drive a car in Italy!:)
    Thinking about it..... no I don`t think I would have had the nerv to even try....

  10. ...and I thought Boston had confusing signage.

  11. I like a lot the first one.It's important!Sometimes I'm walking crossing these white lines and even with several signs, some drivers don't respect it!Oh gosh...
    Have a great week,

  12. ahhh the last picture is wonderful, I loved the reflections!

  13. Lol, what a fantastic post. The first one is a gem.

  14. Very creative, VP! I like the most the balance of elements in the first photo.

  15. The top shot is so funny! The bottom one shows a cool find and great composition.

  16. I remember when I first moved to France I could not figure out what those "no blue" signs meant. Someone finally told me that they mean "no parking". But I could never figure out why blue represents parking. Ah well!!!
