Monday, November 1, 2010

Theme Day: Public Transportation

Liburna ferry, LivornoAccording to a legend, some “pearls” fell down from the neck of a careless Venus in the Tyrrheanian Sea: this is how the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago were born.Liburna ferry, LivornoOne of these pearls is the island of Gorgona which, twenty miles off the coast, is still administratively part of Livorno proper.Liburna ferry, LivornoFor the few Gorgonesi and for the authorized visitors (the island is still an active penal colony), the ferry to Capraia is the only public transportation available.


  1. Lovely photos, as usual. I love how still the water appears.

  2. Travelling into a myth - what an alluring thought. Always two hands full of water beneath its keel.

    Please have a good new month and week as well.

    daily athens

  3. I KNEW that YOU would use a ferry for this theme day photo!:) Very nice!:)

  4. Why am I put in mind of those monkeys with big red backsides?

  5. Born from a pearl and converted to a penal island, what a fate!
    God bless you!

  6. Love the legend and the ferry.

  7. A pearl of a post.
    Love the wisp of smoke from the smokestacks. I'd love to be going out on that ferry.

    But being confined in a prison that is confined on an island of only 2 square km is a sad thought.

  8. Not a place to visit with a one way ticket then!

  9. Nice legend and such a terrific way of traveling:)

  10. What a great legend! Just that makes me want to go visit :-D

  11. Legends have to be believed and what better way to go in search of them?

  12. Ah, to live in a place with such an active waterway.

  13. Seems like they sell a lot of "one-way" tickets.

  14. Very interesting story. I guess this transportation does not run that often.

    I hope you and Trillian never have to take it!! :)

  15. Terrific creation myth; I'd like to think of islands as pearls, which they are! Love ferries as transportation.

  16. What a handsome blue and white ferry - and rather large - for such a reserved group of users. I enjoy the irony of a pearl turning into a penal colony.

  17. Great Theme Day post. Mine is up on November 1 at Portland Oregon Daily Photo; it’s a photo that I took on the Portland, Oregon, MAX Light Rail last Saturday.

  18. This is so much your Livorno, I love it! Just as I love the legend about the islands from Venus' pearls.
