Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vespucci's Boats

Amerigo Vespucci training ship, Captain's whaler, port of LivornoThe “Amerigo Vespucci” is fitted with eleven boats. Astern, there is the typical “whaler” reserved for the Commanding Officer.Amerigo Vespucci training ship, motor boats, port of LivornoThe four larger motor boats and launches are stored amidship.Amerigo Vespucci training ship, boats, port of LivornoMore boats are hung along the sides and all of these are used for the training of the Cadets.

Search labels: Amerigo Vespucci
External links: Amerigo Vespucci (Wikipedia)


  1. Thank you for sharing
    This fabulous work with us
    Good creations

  2. Well, there's no danger this ship would be up a creek without a boat!

    Sorry, that's a play on an old American (I think) saying about being up a creek without a paddle, meaning you're in trouble

    This is such a magnificent vessel...keep showing us more of it!

  3. Impressions that make one grave to travel.

    Please have a wonderful Sunday.

    daily athens

  4. I really like the shot of the crossed ropes.

  5. Both nice and interesting posting!
    The last photo is my favorite.

  6. Fantastic shots, VP, love them all! I don't know if ships have 'balconies', but whatever the name might be, the one on top is beautiful!

  7. Love the last shot with the crossing ropes. What a ship!

  8. Beautiful shots of fine boats.

  9. Fabulous photos! I love the last photo :D
