Wednesday, October 6, 2010

At the “Terrazza”

Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno We missed the sea so much that the first weekend of good weather here we are at the “Terrazza Mascagni”.Meloria islets, LivornoLooking east, a small sailboat framed between the Meloria islets.Superyacht Adora, IMO 9586552, Benetti Shipyard, LivornoLooking north, again from the “Terrazza Mascagni”, the new 62m superyacht “Adora” still inside the Benetti Shipyard.

Search labels: Terrazza Mascagni
See also: Terrazza Mascagni - Tiles - Balustrades - Whitecaps - Saint Sylvester - Theme Day: Postcard-worthy - Beyond the Balustrade


  1. Another superyacht? Apparently, someone has too much money.

    I like that chessboard image from the Terrazza.

  2. The Terrazza Mascagni is such a beautiful place.

  3. These are all beautiful photographs! I like the sharpness and the colors! The sky in that first shot is sooooo blue....then you composed the tile pic very well, and the yacht. Omigod, what can one say about that? I'm just surprised that it's not done yet so you could take it out for a trial run! ;-)

  4. That top photo would be stunning in any coffee table book.

  5. First shot... anyone for checkers or chess??????

  6. continue to be amazed of the beauty of this place. thank you for sharing ! please have a wonderful wednesday.

    daily athens

  7. I also like the chessboard image. The superyacht looks enormous.

  8. Brilliant perspective on the plaza.
    Well done!!

    Houston Daily Photo

  9. I like the first shot too. But that is some yacht in the third shot.

  10. Are you sure it was John Masefield and not you who wrote the poem?

    I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
    And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
    And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
    And a grey mist on the sea's face and a grey dawn breaking.
    . . .

  11. When one is used to being around water sll the time it does feel odd to be away from it.

    Stunning photos.

    Yeah, when are you going to take the yacht on a shakedown cruise? MB

  12. Three beautiful captures. Phenomenal first photo. All the geometric shapes are mind boggling.

  13. I miss sea too! Lovely photos - the firs one is superb, and of course I love all boats:)

  14. I wonder if the Adora will be visiting Ft. Lauderdale this winter?

  15. Love that black and white tile. Great shots!

  16. Oooh... all nice, VP... but that top one, WoW!!

  17. I thought the first photo was a chess board! Very Alice in Wonderland-ish ;D

  18. Aside from the Amerigo Vespucci, I will never tire of your photos of the Terrazza Mascagni. I just love the dizzying pattern of the tiles!

  19. I love that tiled ground. It makes a great effect on your composition.
