Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Piazza della Repubblica, lamp post detailDetail of a lamp post in “Piazza della Repubblica”.House, via Gramsci, LivornoFront door, mailboxes and a window in “Via Gramsci”.Dilapidated house, Livorno“Viale Marconi”, a building in not very good condition.Cat, Elm streetA cat guarding his garden in “Via dell'Olmo” (Elm Street).Winged Victory, LivornoThe statue of winged Victory of the First World War Memorial in “Piazza della Vittoria”.

More Walks


  1. VP, what a great and most interesting set of images. The front door at "Via Gramsci" is wonderful so is the window.

  2. You do manage to capture some intriguing facets of your city...and there are so many of them!

    Love the cat! I also like the crumbling building and the way you framed that. My favorite, though, is probably the Front door, mailboxes and a window..."

    Thank you, Trillian, again! I think you would like Sholom Park very much. It's only about 2 miles from our house. The meditation path winds around the park for quite a ways. But there's much more to the park and I'll be showing more photos in the days ahead...

  3. The lamp post and the winged victory are my favorites in these shots.

  4. You paint time in a beautiful way.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens

  5. Hope you had a good 10/10/10 day! And next year, we'll have an 11/11/11 day!

  6. I wonder how many babies were prematurely born on 10/10/10!

    It's the lamp post that strikes me. Absolutely superb.

  7. I love the WW I Memorial. Such a magnificent work of art and powerful in what it (she) represents. Now I'll have to Google her..!

  8. Thanks for the Sunday stroll
    I dearly love the Swans. MB

  9. Your collection here deserves a score of 10 (out of 10). :)
    I enjoy your idea of a "guard cat."

  10. I hear there were many weddings on 10/10/10! Love the second photo with the window and door! Gorgeous wood :D

  11. Were they taken at 10:10:)
    I love the lamp post and the statue but my favourite is the third photo this time!

  12. Soooo different and so nice!:)

  13. Love the door! The lamp post detail reminded me too much of Peking Duck. :)

  14. Definitely you've earned perfect 10s for this collection.

  15. Wonderful set of pictures, I imagine each picture here has a beautiful story behind it.You know...the kitty is my favorite one, so adorable!Wonderful shot!

  16. Hi VP. Wanted to try to answer your questions. The Colorado mine - I have no idea. Perhaps gold? They've mined gold in those mountains for years!

    As for the little stream...I don't know that either...it is certainly real enough, and very pretty, but I would guess that it was created when Lake Sumter Landing was put together.

    By the way, The Villages is building another whole section of small villa-type homes just off the downtown area of Lake Sumter Landing. It never stops. I think there are some 30-35,000 homes in The Villages now and probably close to 80,000 people (all of which seem to have a golf car!)...

    I was down there yesterday (Lake Sumter Landing and Spanish Springs)...the whole place is filled with people going every which way. Crazy!

  17. The lamp detail is fantastic! Great framing on the decay shot.

  18. Such nice details. I think I like the winged victory best... or maybe the cat.

  19. Some very different photos here. Have to love that cat!

  20. Another walk I thoroughly enjoyed taking with you, VP. For me the door gets the first 10, the framed crumbling building the second 10, and the iron lamp detail the third 10... But who can resist an angel or a cat...?
