Friday, September 3, 2010

Green Lizard's Bay

Sonnino castle, Livorno On the north side of the headland of “Castel Sonnino” we have the “Cala del Leone” (Lion's Cove), on the southern side we find a less threatening “Baia del Rogiolo” (Green Lizard's Bay).Sonnino castle, LivornoA detailed view of the southern side of the castle.Sonnino castle, LivornoThe castle has a small marina with a tower and a boathouse.Derelict cableway station, QuercianellaThe bay is still haunted by the derelict station of a cableway, once used to carry limestone from the inland quarries down to the sea.

See also:

Castello del BoccaleTorre di CalafuriaCalignaiaCastel Sonnino


  1. These are gorgeous images in a beautiful place. I truly wish I was there VP. Thanks.

  2. You must be living in a paradise.

    daily athens

  3. Your photos are very enticing...I think I could spend many hours wandering about this place! I rather like the "derelict station of a cableway..."

    Re your comment about pagans in Ocala. You betcha! Lots of them. Most belong to churches, too! :-)

  4. Looks like a swimmer enjoying the bay in the bottom photo. Smart man. The spot of red on the boat is very nnice in the scene.

  5. Amazing shots. I do like the quaint marina.
    All these ancient buildings just there---for all eternity. Again--amazing. MB

  6. I don't need the castle, I'll just take the marina and little tower for my holidays thank you.

  7. I would join Ciell if possible:)

  8. Enjoying your pictures this morning.

  9. I'd love to pull up there in my sailboat, assuming I had one.

  10. Do lion's and green lizards live there? I like how the lovely buildings just seem to pop out in the natural setting! Hope you have a great weekend :D

  11. It's all so lovely. Can people visit the castle?

  12. Wow this place is breathtaking!
    I love all pictures!And what a beautiful day, with blue sky!
    Have a nice day

  13. What a magnificent place. Great shots, VP!

  14. @ Kaori - Many green lizards, but no lions here. The most dangerous creature around is the wild boar.
    They were overprotected in the past, now they are too many and often come very close to suburban houses at night.

  15. That's so interesting about the boars. I think if something is to be built in such a picturesque landscape, it should look as nice as these buildings.

  16. Beautiful, interesting and a coastline full of history.

  17. This is the view from the restaurant? The cable car station adds great texture to the scene, even if it may be an eyesore in person.
