Monday, August 23, 2010

Very Short Walk

No wanderings here, this is in almost straight line the route to my mom's and back: too hot for detours...A plaque in “Via Micali” reminds us that the poet Giovanni Pascoli lived here in 1887-8. He was teaching at our “liceo classico” and wrote here part of “Myricae” (Tamarisks), his first poetic work.Fake green and flower are another kind of poetry in “Via Battisti”.Watch out for the dog, in “Via Oberdan”.“Trattoria da Motorino” (Scooter's Trattoria), a renowned restaurant.Church of “San Benedetto” in “Piazza XX Settembre”, some of the old tombstones in the facade.

More Walks


  1. all are lovely little snapshots of daily life.
    You've captured the light well.

  2. What a beautiful, caleidoscope reflection of life. Please have a good start into the new week.

  3. What nice things to see on your short walk! Have you been to "Scotter's?"

  4. Yes, fake greenery and flowers are definitely a "different" kind of poetry!

    I really love the last photo in this series. The composition is excellent, and the orange and grey combination is incredible. This looks almost like an abstract painting to me. Great job VP!

  5. I find the tombstones on the church facade fascinating. Are they really buried there?

  6. To me this is not only interesting, but also UNIQUE.

  7. You need to go to the beach. :-))

    I like that balcony. The tombstones remind me of some like these that I've seen in the North of Germany. Nice walk post.

  8. It's so nice you can walk to your mom's.
    And nice you can still find interesting things to look at and share after having walked the route so many times.

    Tombstones in the wall?? Where are the burials?

  9. Your lyceum sounds very serious.
    Thanks for the link.

  10. My favorite is that lovely balcony, I think its very romantic!
    Your walkings are always great, thanks for these pictures!
    Léia :)

  11. Short but really efficient walk - wow, I love all, but the pink sign and fake sunflowers just made my day:)

  12. I just love the old tombstones on the façade. I'm not sure if we have them like that here, I think they are all in the ground.

  13. Ciel likes the balcony, I hate it. Sorry. :-D And the dog sign is pretty tacky too. But hey, VP, it is what it is, real, and I enjoy the walk. The tombstones are pretty neat (wonder how the people were buried - do the stones get pried off and there are holes behind?), and I'd love to try the trattoria. Do you know the poetry of Pascoli?

  14. @ Francisca - I'm not sure about the stones, they may be real burials..
    Some of Pascoli's poetry was hammered in our young hard heads at school and it is not easy to forget!

  15. passeggiata interessante ma la targa che ricorda il soggiorno di Giovanni Pascoli a Livorno mi emoziona particolarmente

  16. @VP - I am admittedly not very poetry savvy. Do you like his, or was it just a mandatory learning? Do you have a favorite poem? Or am I asking stupidly, because in translation so much can be lost...

  17. @ Francisca - I'm not so much for poetry but in Italian I do like the classical works of Petrarca, Leopardi and Foscolo.
    My favorite poem in English is Invictus by William Ernest Henley, but there are many more...

  18. @VP - I just read Invictus, and I can see why you like it. Resonates big with me, too. [I don't know if you saw my answer on my post today, but YES, those are benches. :-) ]
