Saturday, July 24, 2010

Seagulls & Co

We see seagulls far inland now, so no surprise at this one proudly prodding the grass of the “Parterre”.On the battlements of the “Fortezza Nuova”, another gull is still looking at the sea.This little guy is only a bit nervous under the scorching sun.


  1. I like seagulls but they can be terrible pests (especially if you're trying to fish!)...Ocala is about midway between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and we have lots of gulls here also. Maybe we should call them land-and-sea gulls? :-)

  2. Great shots VP. I like the little guy!

  3. What a joy it must be listening to them, travelling through their sound, far and wide ...

    Please have a great start into the weekend.
    p.s.: it would be of great honour to see the bench together with the other benches.

    daily athens

  4. Thanks for the birds-eye views.

  5. I love them all! Gulls mean sea and sea means holiday:)
    The first image is great!

  6. Excellent shots. I think the little guy is nervous because the Gulls are eyeing him. MB

  7. This post was definitely 'for the birds'. Nice shots, VP.

  8. All shots are great but I think the top one is a winner!

  9. We see lots of those gulls along the shores of Lake Michigan. Come visit me at my Santa Fe blog...I'll be back whenever I can get my hands on internet!

  10. It seems a bit odd to see the gulls on regular green grass! But the photos of the birds are beautiful! That last shot is really cute :D

  11. You take the best seagull pix.
