Saturday, July 31, 2010

Red & White

Venezia, Palio Marinaro 2010“Venezia” is proudly flying its colors after winning every rowing competition this year.Venezia, Palio Marinaro 2010They won their 21st “Palio Marinaro” and wisely recycled the last victory banner, which now says: “Twenty triumphs... + 1”.Venezia, Palio Marinaro 2010The red and the white are flying even from the top of the bell tower of the church of “San Ferdinando”.

See also: Venice Takes All - Coppa Barontini - Coppa Risi'atori


  1. They are proud. And they have something of which to BE proud. Might be overdoing it a bit, and as St. Paul saith, pride tends to puff up just before you get knocked down... :-)

    Cool colors.

  2. It is a great accomplishment and I think they have every right to be proud. I like how they recycled their 20th banner — that made me smile.

  3. Concratulations upon this achievment. Please have you all a great start into the weekend.

    daily athens

  4. At first I thought that we won something - red and white:)
    Congratulations to Venezia!

  5. Beautiful colors against the blue skies.
    I would be proud too.
    Congratulations to the team. MB

  6. Congrat's to the team! The recycled banner made me smile, too!

  7. The top shot is awesome!

    There's a bench for you today. :-)

  8. I just loved those flags, it's perfect!
    You always have interesting subjects to share with your friends.
    Have a nice Sunday
    Léia ;)
    *** I'm just trying to catch up with bloging after some days off! :))
    So happy visiting your blogs!

  9. Flags here too, so much better than the ones I have lol! I just love how they recycled the banner!

  10. Congratulations! The flags against the blue sky is gorgeous :D
